So many cute dogs
We were especially fond of our neighbour dogs, Shakira + Rufus

Praying mantis
This guy sat and watched me work at 5am. Lo De Marcos.

Cute dog | San Pancho Market

My favourite pup
Playa Lo De Marcos

Stunning bird sanctuary | Lo De Marcos
Some of the birds we saw were: Snowy Egret, Roseate Spoonbill, Sinaloa Crow, Frigate, Great Egret, Great Heron and Belted Kingfisher

Horseback Riding | Lo De Marcos
We didn’t do a tour this time but have heard great things. For more info, talk to Lenny.

Puffer fish | Lo De Marcos
We saw many washed up on the beach. Watch your toes on morning beach walks.

Animal Sanctuary | Lo De Marcos
So many adorable animals. For more information - to visit, adopt or donate, visit http://www.animalsanctuaryldm.com/

Animal Sanctuary | Lo De Marcos
So many adorable animals. For more information - to visit, adopt or donate, visit http://www.animalsanctuaryldm.com/

Animal Sanctuary | Lo De Marcos
So many adorable animals. For more information - to visit, adopt or donate, visit http://www.animalsanctuaryldm.com/

Animal Sanctuary | Lo De Marcos
So many adorable animals. For more information - to visit, adopt or donate, visit http://www.animalsanctuaryldm.com/

Saying goodbye
We were especially fond of our neighbour dogs, Shakira + Rufus

Saying goodbye
We were especially fond of our neighbour dogs, Shakira + Rufus

More cute dogs

Sleepy pup

Lo De Marcos

Gecko | Lo De Marcos
Super fast. All along the walls on the way to our hotel.